Growing up, I was fortunate to not only have a Cowgirl for a mama, but also be surrounded by her Cowgirl friends. These were women from all walks of life, however they all shared one common bond- their love for horses. That’s what connected us. Her cowgirl friends were doctors, school teachers, accountants, waitresses, mothers, vets, housekeepers, attorneys, business owners, professional rodeo athletes, dental hygienists, secretaries, soldiers, church leaders, truck drivers, Tupperware sales ladies & everything inbetween. They were {& still are} strong, confident & caring women - built in role models & mentors, if you will - that were always willing to lend a hand, a horse, their time or knowledge to me.
Over the years, as I watched these different cowgirls along with my mama navigate the responsibilities surrounding careers, cowboys, kids & cattle and somehow amidst it all still set aside pockets of time to pursue their personal goals - the idea that I could do anything I set my mind to became like a seed planted firmly in hearty soil, continuing to grow & deepen its roots with each passing season.
As life went on though, I came to realize that not everyone had the gift of being in proximity to & learning from these types of incredibly dynamic women who embrace the Cowgirl state of mind. {Insert the strange & questioning stares I still get from time to time when I explain all the hats I wear both personally & professionally. You know the kind. The “Are you crazy?” & “Maybe you should just pick one thing” or “Good Luck with that” looks. You’ve most likely been on the receiving end at some point before too, sister.}
The more I thought about it, women with that much hard earned knowledge & life experience that were willing to share it shouldn’t be a “best kept secret”. Something inside me started to stir. I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d go about it, but I knew I wanted to change that. I wanted to make these cowgirls, their state of mind & their stories available to anyone who desired to listen & learn, and do it in a way that they could be shared for years to come.